Monday, June 11, 2012

The People Part 4: The Elders

The Elders of the village is a term for men or women when they reach a certain age. They are the people of influence and looked to make decisions. There is for example the school board, the city counsel and then the village elders.  I am not sure this is factual but out of the three groups, the village elders would I bet swing the most weight. They seem to drive the spiritual life of the village as well as being the heads of their household and ones who recall the traditions and history of village. 

Throughout the school there are pictures and names of elders.

I did not meet all the elders as there are too many. I did speak with a few of them and they shared wonderful things with me and I felt deeply honored. Some of the elders are not as fluent in English as the yonger generation.  

One man I met shared with me that when he was young, the village was located in another spot but due to rising water after the earthquake the village moved to its current location. He shared how much better life was here for all the village. When the village was located at the other site, the houses were made of sod with dirt floors.  Now they all have houses, heat, water, and life has changed much in his years alive. In his words: "they were very poor". 

The elders I met were all very religious and I got a sense of a deep and reverent faith in our Savior. They lead worship when the pastor is not present. As we were in route to the village Joe talked with George one of the elders. He told us that we would lead worship that evening in the church. I found myself writing a sermon the fastest I think I ever wrote but what a privilege. We divided up the parts of the worship. Gayle played music, I preached, Collin read from God's word, Joe did the opening greeting and prayer, Lisa did the prayers and other assisted with leading singing. 

This was the first of many privileges and honors we were afforded during our stay. I am coming to the end of my blog on this event!
Blessings, Pastor Andy

Friday, June 8, 2012

The People part 3: Young Adults

Young adults it seems in any culture is a bit of an awkward time. In city culture they might just be finishing up high school or college. People might be getting married, looking for a spouse, or newly married or even starting a family. They are often heavy with debt and at the bottom of the ladder at work. Village life is not that different. They are not considered a "village elder", they are not considered a child. School is done for them and they too are looking at starting families. It seems they are "on their own" but still tired to mom and dad if they are alive. What do they do for fun in the village? For the women of this age in the village, I was not able to see or find out in my short stay here. For the men their love is seen- its playing basketball! And let me tell you, they are good and fast! 
 As you can see they platy on a big board walk called a play deck. It is hardly level and the basketball hoop is only at one end as the other looks to have been broken down for some time and is laying in the water. Half court, no refs, and they call their own fouls. They have played together long enough they do not seem to get into fights. They have also played together long enough to anticipate each others moves. They communicate with each other through whistles, foot stomps, and other noises.

 Water retrieval is always part of the game!

Younger ones wait their turn, watch, learn and hope they get a chance to be invited to play. It almost seems that it is a "right of passage" of sorts. 

How did we as a team get to work with them this year? Well they do not get to play basketball in the school gym in the summer. We opened up the gym to them and gave them two nights and they played for at least 3 hours both nights. We supplied cookies provided from the Lutheran ladies group at Funny River, AK. They sent with us 1,000 cookies this year- thanks ladies!! We provided them with drinks and kept the kids out of their way so they could play full court basketball. They loved it and were very appreciative. I believe there were about 50ish people in attendance each night. 

 One night the chief of police stopped in and said thank you, this is just what these guys need. I hope that some way the village will find a way to open up that gym on a normal basis for the guys. They would appreciate it, it is a healthy activity and it is a bonding time.

 Here is the problem: 
Alaska Native men between the ages of 15-24 have the highest rate of suicide among any demographic in the country, with an average of 141.6 suicides per 100,000 each year between 2000 and 2009.
In fact the village was still upset from a suicide of a young man just recently. 
Half way through each night I spoke to them. I told them my family story of suicide. I told them of my sister who took her own life and how life is God's gift and how we are created by God and so our life is not ours to take. I took them to Psalm 139. I told them we need (all people) to watch out for each other and get help for ourselves or those we care for if they are in trouble.
The second night I told them of God's love for them from Romans 8. Nothing in all creation will separate them from the love of God. They have value. It was a privilege and an honor to be able to speak to these young men and women who were present. Pray for the people in the villages. Pray for those who see no way out that they would see Jesus and his uninterrupted love for them. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The People part 2: The team's Bike Jamboree

What do you do as a kid in Nunapitchuk where there are no lawns to play? That is a million dollar question I never thought of when I first heard of Nunapitchuk. The first groups that came up here some years ago found out the answer and some time back one of the team members by the name of Joe came up with a way to connect with kids helping them do one of the things they love to do most: 

Let me tell you these kids love to ride and they ride the rubber off the tires! There are a few pretty bikes here and a few new bikes but most of them are in poor shape and are in need of repair. Many have been pieced together from stripped bikes that have been dumped in the bone yard of bone yards! If you have ever watched American Pickers- those guys would not find much with any "meat" in this bike bone yard of Nunapitchuk!
Joe, a bike rider himself came up with the idea of bringing a few tools, some oil, and a few parts along to help the kids out. Now they look for his arrival every year. It's like Christmas in June as the team arrives and the tired and weary bikes make their way down the boardwalks to where we are housed. It is a great kick off to the VBS program as well because before you know it everyone knows you are in the village! I was over whelmed. I have not pumped up so many tires in my entire life as I did in a hour at the bike jamboree! Everyone on the team got into the act in some way shape or form! here are some repair pictures for you to make you smile and make you thankful...

After what could be fixed was fixed, then more fun came as races and trick riding was set up for different ages and male and female. From riding on makeshift balance beams to speed laps to wheelie contests to limbo on bikes the kids showed their stuff even if it meant borrowing a bike from someone else!

One hand cone riding!

Ride the beam!

How low can you go?

Time for wheelies!!

This young man ran that wheelie the entire length of the boardwalk and stopped only as it T'ed. What a ride!

Off to the races!

The boy with on the right side did not want a 911 number so he came up with a simple fix- flip it! 116

A special thanks to Joe's bike club as they donated inter tubes, pumps, gloves, water bottles, tire gauges, handle bar grips, some peddles and a host of other things to fix bikes this year. It was greatly appreciated and warmly received by these kids!

Next up: a chance to talk to teens and young adults about suicide!
Blessings All!
~Pastor Andy